Do you regularly exercise and which exercises?

I have been practicing Tai-chi and the Zookinesis Age Reversal Exercises all my life. At 64, entering "old age" I hope that I will continue to be active until the day I die. What is your experience with exercise - when did you start, which exercises do you do and how active are you?


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I have tried to stay active all my life because I understand the benefits of exercising. Right now I take Tai Chi class as its slow motions are ideal for seniors, go to the gym for zumba class regularly as it's aerobic exercising while having fun giving me endorphins, lift weights and do core also. Like you I wish I could remain active till the day I die.

The bigger reason is I find exercising really helps with all the pain and stiffness I started experiencing after I reached 50, the Tai chi moves help with my balancing. I am sure my regular exercises can boost my immunity, maintain younger looking skin and hair, burn extra calories, and help with blood circulation that in turn keeps my brain sharp.


I had to do exercises in school, lots of them. As a young housewife and mum I had a lot of exercise as I was never still with several young children running rings around me and still the shopping, washing, cleaning cooking etc. to be done.

Once my children flew the nest I could relax a little more but, as a none driver I walk to the shops and even into town so that is good exercise. Other than that I do no exercise but believe that I actually get sufficient from the things I have mentioned. I don't believe that I need weights, skipping ropes, kettle bells or anything else. I have never been overweight in my 70 years on this planet.


I'm a hiker and occasional runner (it's up to my ankles). I love yoga, and do it almost daily. I have been looking for a Tai-chi class close to home but there aren't any.
I have been active all my life. I have run a marathon, several half marathons, occasionally still rock climb (only the easy stuff) and snowboard. I love it and feel awful unless I'm working pretty hard.

I believe if you don't use it, ya lose it. It's difficult these days. I'm 62 and gone are the days I could jump out of bed and feel fine. I have to do about 20 min. of yoga stretching just to loosen up. I've not heard of " Zookinesis Age Reversal Exercises" but it's something I'm going to check out.


I started working out with weights when I was 19 years old but I grew up on a farm so I was always active. When I went off to college I didn't work out but when I got out andgot a job I started doing it. When I was 37 I trained for a body building competition and took fourth place. Natural, no steroids. I never felt so healthy in my life as I did then. I ate like a queen (pure, healthy, lean meats and veggies) and worked out and took supplements.
I usually always do active vacations. It's so important to stay moving.
I still work out at the gym. I run and I lift weights but not as extensive, just basic moves. A couple of years ago I ran a 5K. I never thought I'd do anything like that but it was fun.
For several years in between all that I did tai chi from an old master. Wu style. But he died in a car accident and our group disbanded. Very sad.
Keep it up!


I have arthritis on the knees and my Orthopedic specialist told me he performs just as many knee replacements, if not more, in those who have exercised vigorously for a lifetime as in those who didn't. So from that standpoint (and our generation has really been the first to collectively include physical fitness into the daily routine,) a variety of exercises is important for whole body fitness.

I now do low-impact exercises-yoga stretches, walking, etc. now, rather than jogging and even tennis has been hard on the joints. Whatever way we can keep our weight at a normal range is a huge help in keeping our joints healthy.

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