Workout/ gym shoe for someone that dislikes wearing shoes?

I start a workout/bootcamp program in about a month, and I'm having horrible luck finding a pair of shoes that are comfortable and workout dress code appropriate. I haven't worn running shoes since maybe middle school (roughly 8 years ago) and the closest thing to "shoes" I have, is an old pair of converse that are very warn. (I mainly wear boots, or flip flops) any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.


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First bump the converses, second bump another other shoes that are not running shoes. your feet are like tires don't put them through so much work if its not needed. I know running shoes can be costly but some that's light and support your feet. then go to walmart and get inserts also costly but if all goes best you shouldn't want to talk them off. till there is cold or warm water going through your feet. sorry I love cold water through my feet after a hard and hot workout


if you are gonna do alot of walking/running then you really want to get a running shoe or cross trainer or you'll only make it harder on your feet than it has to be. I have a few different pairs, Nike and ASICS are 2 brands i tend to stick to because i like the fit.
but for lighter workouts, i have a pair of Puma soleil that i really love. they are a smaller lighter shoe, not supported enough for high impact type workouts, but they feel like you're almost barefoot. for a basic gym workout they are perfect.


How about looking at some of the minimalist or barefoot training shoes. If you dislike wearing shoes, you are probably well used to walking barefoot? These shoes are designed to replicate walking barefoot.

Hope this helps.


just get any sport shoe