A question for Atheists (not an attack)?
First let me start of by saying that I am not writing with the intention of insulting religious people. I do not follow organized religion .So by definition, I am non-religious. I am, to a certain extent, what you would call an Atheist. I, however, do not use this term because it confines me to a box in which is almost impossible to get out of. I say this because, I do believe in a concept of the higher power (in which I call God), But I do not believe in the mythological “man in the sky”, holy books, and paradoxical ethical dilemmas which present themselves due too religion and religious fundamentalism.
Religion, as we know it, is really a bunch of wild claims that cannot be proven. I am not a scientist, theologian, or a philosopher in the professional sense. But, I do pride myself in the fact that I have studied briefly on those various subjects. I can boast to having a layman's knowledge of some matters,while most are totally over my head.
I have directed this question to the non-religious community because I feel akin to your frame of thinking. What is it that prevents you from accepting what science calls quantum entanglement or universal consciousness as a less fantastic but still valid interpretation of “God”. By no means am I asking if this is evidence of Yahweh or Allah, what I am asking is, can this be viewed as an observable conscious higher power. If so why, if not why? Please explain your point of view, I am very interested. Also, please ignore any typos or grammatical errors. I feel that even if my wording is bad, my meaning is somewhat clear.
Ok, to make my self more clear, I worship nothing. If there was or is a "God" than it has no need of my worship. What I am asking is if the "Entanglement" factor is valid due to the reasoning we as conscious beings are connected to everything even at the subatomic level. Can this connection or binding to everything be considered as Consciousness or for lack of a better term God.
It makes no sense to point out the ignorance of someone who has already admitted his ignorance. What I am asking is your opinion about a subject I am having conflicting thoughts about. Those thoughts as I have stated are conflicted Due to my already admitted IGNORANCE! Please give me your thoughts on the matter and if you can better explain the theory or principle to me more clearly.