Why do like to say that racism doesn't exist, or act like black people are making things up?

Time and time again I'm always hearing people say that it's 2013 and racism doesn't exist, and majority of the time when black people talk about it we're just complaining. Obviously I can see that racism isn't coming to an end anytime soon, but why are people acting like it just disappeared, because of the year that we're in. I usually hear white people say that racism doesn't exist, and then its usually the ones not being affected by it. I understand that lala land is a cool place and all ,but why do people act like having scholarships, and a black president means that racism is gone?


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First off...How you been?

People who will claim that racism doesn't exist are the ones who don't deal with racism but racial slurs (not the same with racism). They are around docile blacks who are willing to appease and cajole their ethnocentric egos. They are looking for the type of lynching and cross burning racism instead of racial profiling, job denying, predator loans, bias judicial system, books (Bell Curve) and etc.

You have to understand the pyscho-history with whites and their schizophrenic perspective on race relations in America. They've separated themselves from Blacks throughout centuries until 50 years ago. And will have the nerve to call us racist. Then claim blacks are separating themselves from whites. Really?

Since we elected the Obama as our president and we all know he has a white mother and he is biracial but it doesn't stop white people calling a N*gger and other racial epithets that are directed as black people. But they will get mad at him and Black people for calling him Black. Crazy right?


I've wondered that myself, and I'm actually white. I think it's because people think because the laws are equal now racism isn't a real issue and they don't want to deal with it. Just like if some girl brings up sexism (though racism is probably more prevalent then sexism) guys will think it's just "a whiney feminist" and it sexism isn't an issue just because women have the same rights legally. Same with racism, and also things like gay marriage and so on... passing equal laws doesn't make prejudice go away and a lot of people fail to understand that, or if people haven't personally seen something they don't think of it as a real problem.


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Why do like to say that racism doesn't exist, or act like black people are making things up?
Time and time again I'm always hearing people say that it's 2013 and racism doesn't exist, and majority of the time when black people talk about it we're just complaining. Obviously I can see that racism isn't coming to an end anytime soon, but why are people acting like it just...


Racism exists, but its form has changed.
Now there is no slavery in America, no lynches etc. BUT racism exists in a form of propaganda.

It's the same as in case of mrs Debbie Schlussel who said that Polish people killed Jews (I'm Polish, my great-grandfather died while saving the Jews from the German Nazis) and that Polish people are wild animals who will kill everyone who's around. She also said that all Muslim people (not only Arabs but other Muslims as well) should die just like Bin Laden (quote: "1 down, 1.8 billion more to go").

As you see sista, racism is not only aimed at Black people nowadays, but true, Black people are the victims of the biggest racist propaganda. Who has the media, has the power over human brains.
2013, and racism still exists.


Most likely the individuals who say that have never personally experienced or witnessed actual racism.
However it is quite possible that they feel that their freedom of speech is severely "oppressed" by tho politically correct who don not tolerate ANY white person who dares to criticise ANY member of ANY minority group. The mentality or some people these days is almost as extreme as to say "all minorities are by definition innocent of all allegations, and any white person who presents evidence to the contrary needs to be shunned and silenced." Therefor if people do not stand up against this counter culture then there will be no truth or justice. Minorities are just human beings like everyone else and should be treated an judged as such.

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