I've lost weight - and still feel fat...?

I'm in the process of losing weight - I need to lose 30 to 40 pounds. I've already lost about ten, but I still feel just as fat and ugly as before. How can I improve my body-image?

p.s. I am being healthy in my weight loss - no anorexia or binging/purging. I just can't seem to feel any prettier. :(


Favorite Answer

Improve your self esteem. No matter how skinny you are, if you don't believe you're beautiful, you'll never be beautiful. Beauty is as much on the inside as it is on the outside, but it's much more important inside because as you get older, the outer beauty fades away. Eat healthy, exercise and LOVE YOUR SELF. You are worth it, and you ARE beautiful. Beauty is kindess, generosity, helpfullness, honesty, it goes on and on. Make sure while you are trying to improve your outer appearance that you also improve your personality. And remember, people are going to truly love you for who you are and how you act, not because of a hot bod or a pretty face. Good luck :)


Eat SUPER healthy. Lots of veggies, fruits, whole grains and lean protein. Your skin tone will reflect all the nutrients from the food. You'll take on a "healthy glow".

Exercise. My fav is an exercise bike. GREAT at toning legs and tush. I lift weights (cans of food) to tone my upper body. A toned body feels and looks FANTASTIC. Find exercise that YOU like or even a variety of ones. Make sure to include ones that TONE while you're losing.

Drink LOTS of water, herbal tea (NO sugar or fake sugar crap). The liquids will hydrate you and make you look and feel perky.

You could also consider a new hairstyle. Some new clothes. Maybe reward yourself with a new outfit, a certain $ amount for each 10# you lose? I would go to thrift stores at first, until you're at your goal weight. Then once you lose more weight, you can just donate 'em back.

I'm big on positive attitude and imagery. You could get a new bathing suit or new summer outfit, shorts, etc., whatever you want, in your GOAL size. Buy it. Hang it up as constant encouragement to stay on track !


have you ever greater advantageous your interest? Like in PE or activities? if so, this may be the clarification. you're able to have a very severe metabolism to start with. you're able to truly have a thyroid situation...you're able to talk with a physician approximately your weight probelm and what your objective is.


Good for you!
Find some photos of you before and look at them, then look at yourself in the mirror as you are now. You look much healthier don't you? Consider that an acheievement.

Remind yourself: "I know that it's not going to happen straight away, but i'm determined NOT to give up!"