Best nvidia card for 1600p?

I have a Dell ultra sharp monitor which is awesome but very demanding on hardware. I currently run 9800gt x2 in sli, and it seems a bit weak. I want to do some racing gaming, no super action violent stuff, while also doing some adobe editing on Photoshop, illustrator, and premiere pro. Any card with a decent price is good. My current ideas are...

1) zotac gtx 570 (mercury engine, maybe 2 in sli)

2)(some brand) gtx 670

Please tell me the card with the best performance, but cheap enough so I can spend it on other stuff.


Favorite Answer

You sure its 1600p? Thats higher than 1080p, and 9800gt X2 shouldn't even be able to handle that. I have a friend running at 1440p with a GTX 670 4GB and its still can't max the FPS of any game at highest. If you are looking for a 1600p card, get the gtx 670, the cheapest brand will do it. If you want the best experience, get the GTX Titain for $1000, the best graphics card in the world right now. Please don't get SLI unless you are running dual or triple monitor.