What hardware will I need to record my band?

We have an electric drum set, electric guitar, bass and a keyboard. And we are about to buy komplete. http://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/bundles/komplete-9/ but we don't know what will be necessary for recording all of that in terms of hardware. Oh we also have a MAC.


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You will need an audio interface to record. This connects to your Mac with USB or Firewire.

Get an audio interface with at least 5/6 inputs (line ins) cos you are recording quite a few instruments. You could get an audio interface with less inputs and record 1/2 instruments at a time though. You don't have to record them all at once. Some good brands that make audio interfaces.are M Audio, Focusrite, Apogee. Have a look around for one that suits best.