The bucket list bibliophilia?

What books are on your "must get around to reading before I die" list?


You're missing out MM. Strange really,given your vocabulary and imagination,I would have taken you for an avid reader.

As an aside,you don't need an e-reader to download his book,you can download it to your computer.


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hey (((random)))

my bucket list, i were to compile one, would consist mainly of books i had to read for homework and books which i read very young and fell in love with. i have this weird relationship with first impressions, memories and associated feelings...

for instance, i read 'the ingenious gentleman don quixote of la mancha' somewhere between the ages of 7 and 10 (i cannot exactly recall), it was a wonderful illustrated tome for children which, sadly, i no longer have (so i'm not sure whether it was abridged or not) but hold responsible for sparking my love affair with the written word. it had such a profound impact (along with other books like 'the little prince' by st exupery) that, to this day, i cannot pick up a copy of ' don quixote' and read it. i look for it on shelves but i cannot bring myself to read it. it's almost as if i'm afraid of how i would interpret it as the reader i have become.

and on to the books i read because i had to; i should like to explore the difference between that particular experience and reading for the sheer pleasure of it (you know, not looking at the text through a feminist lens or for it's inherent marxism and all that jazz). these days, mainly, i read non-fiction and when i do read fiction it tends to be sci-fi, but one book definitely on my wish or bucket list would be 'man's place in the universe' by alfred r wallace, as well as a really good biography of the man who came to be lost in darwin's shadow (but i'm still scouting around for that, so, any recommendations will be gratefully received).

p.s. who let you out of zoology?

Lady Jane2013-03-24T00:15:57Z

I'm currently reading my way through Radcliffe Publishing's 100 Greatest Novels of the 20th Century, so you could say it's on my bucket list to finish that list. Although, I admit, even though I'm reading lots of books that aren't on that list, I'd be surprised if I didn't finish it within the next five or ten years.

Ones that aren't on there, though....
What only really comes to mind is: I'd like to read all of Shakespeare's plays and all of Sherlock Holmes, as I've only read a few of each as of now.

balloon buster2013-03-24T04:48:45Z

I can't think of any that are bucket list, but then I wouldn't know until I read them would I? If I get a chance and motivation I want to read Med's and catch up on the Hugo awards. I read voraciously as a kid, ruined my eyes and my mind doing it. Now, when I think bucket list I think of things I want to build, do or create for all mankind. Very little reading involved now.


I think it would be really cool to read the whole Bible. I've already read the Genesis, Exodus and the gospels and I'm seriously considering trying to read the whole thing. Over the course of 30+ years, of course.
And I plan on reading all of Dickens' works.


Wayf has been recommending
"Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!":
Adventures of a Curious Character
for a while now, so that's currently
on top of my list..

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