Live in fiance will not stop supporting her adult child, any suggestions?

Far be it for me to get in between mother and child even though the child is 22 years old but money is tight between us. My fiance who wants to marry insist on having her child live in a rental house that we have for free. The thing is her daughter and son in law make almost 3 times as much as we do monthly but yet are still sponging off of us for a free place to live.

Is it wrong for me to feel they either should pay rent or move out? It's a huge financial burden on us to have them living in a place that we can rent out for 700 dollars a month.

Again I understand the bond between a mother and her kids but like I said her daughter is 22 years old and married. They also make much more money then us and I don't see why they need to live off of us.

I'm very close to ending this relationship over this issue, is that wrong? I feel like I'm in a no win situation here and whatever the outcome i'm going to be the bad guy.


Just to add the house they live in has a 600 dollar monthly mortgage that we pay for.


Favorite Answer

Your fiance would be WISE to RESPECT you and your opinion on it.

There is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON they should be free loading off of you.

If the house is in YOUR NAME....make them pay rent or give them their two week NOTICE.

If your fiance wants to get her panties in an uproar......tell her to take a hike too.

That's bull$h!t. There's NO reason they can't at least pay a bit of rent. NONE.

I would seriously consider whether or not I'd be willing to marry that woman.

I don't think you're being the bad guy here.....I think if you went to your fiance with your case and spoke to her in a respectful manner and were very cut and dry about what will take place if she is unwilling to reason then I'd say you did all you could. Really though, I'd hope your fiance where able to see things your way here. If not, she doesn't have the least bit of respect for you.


If she's old enough to be married, then she can pay rent. Letting her and her husband live there for free when you could have a steady income coming in is wrong. It doesn't teach her daughter any responsibilities. I could see if they didn't work and were struggling and putting a time limit on it but they have no reason not pay rent. She needs to let her daughter and her husband be adults.

seedy history2013-03-28T16:27:36Z

You have the house for free. They live in it for free. It is not a huge financial burden for you. It is not the windfall you wished to have when you figured you'd rent it out for $700 a month... but it is not a financial burden. You don't own it and you aren't paying out for it.

If you wish to end your relationship over this issue then I think you should. I know you used the term "fiance', however it appears that she is the only one of you who wants to wed. Did you ever formally ask her to marry you, get a ring and set a date? But you'll toss that for $700 a month?

You aren't all in. I get that they should be paying rent, there appears to be no "need" on their part for charity... but if it's a deal breaker.. you aren't all in anyway.

♠ Merlin ♠2013-03-28T14:50:55Z

i have an adult daughter same age
while its nice to help them out
giving them a rent free place isnt on

i would charge less than the going rate, but probably not much, say 500 instead of 700
thats 50 a week grace

more than enough of a help especially since they earn way more than you both do


I fully agree with you. This is a lot of money to forgo. There is no question that at age 22 you need to support yourself.

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