Name of this movie? Can't remember movie from childhood.?

I used to watch a movie when I was young, back in the days of VHS tapes. I thought it was the jungle book but I just watched the entire movie and it didn't have the scene I was thinking of.

In the movie there was a scene where the main character was a young boy in the jungle and a group of monkeys captured him. They had dropped him into a hole to keep him as prisoner. At one point he wove a headband out of vines and flowers and the monkeys started fighting over the headbands/crowns so the boy was able to escape.

Am I just crazy or does anyone remember something like this?


Not Tarzan and not George of the Jungle.


Not Tarzan and not George of the Jungle.


Not Tarzan and not George of the Jungle.


Favorite Answer

Jungle Boy" (1998)?


George of the jungle?

Robert Brooks2013-03-30T01:48:19Z

Tarzan maybe?