Fun math problem if you are bored.?


I am not trying to get my homework done. This quiz is provided as it is, and I do have the answer. So it is a challenge for anyone. Best answer will be awarded in approximatively 8 hours. Have fun gals and guys!

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The following list are the first terms of a FINITE sequence. Can you find the last term and state the definition of this sequence?

3, 7, 8, 40, 50 and ?

HINT: An average 10 year-old should be able to understand how this sequence is built.

Dragon.Jade :-)


Favorite Answer

Is that really a math problem? The answer is 60.
Three, Seven, Eight, Forty, Fifty, and Sixty
Is the answer obvious to everybody now? Each number is spelled with 5 letters. These are the only whole numbers spelled with 5 letters. Feel free to issue more challenges though.


3, 7, 8, 40, 50;

3 => three (5 letters)
7 => seven (5 letters)
8 => eigth (5 letters)
40 => forty (5 letters)
50 => fifty (5 letters)

The nearest number that is closest to 50 and larger than it, also consisting of 5 letters when written; is in fact 60 (sixty - 5 letters). But I am amazed at the fact that each next term of this ''number sequence'' is generated depending on the number of letters of the actual number, rather than on something more logical.

Harish and NeilsBohred might just have a point there.


Kira Thorn2013-03-30T04:43:28Z

3, 7, 8, 40, 50 and 60 :-)
each one has only five letters in its word form:
three, seven, eight, forty, fifty, sixty :-)


Not a geometric or arithmetic sequence.



(They each have exactly five letters in them when written as words rather than with digits)