Why do people suggest Michelle Obama looks like a gorilla?

I'm a conservative, BTW...

While I take issue with the First Lady's apparent hypocrisy when it comes to teaching children good nutritional habits, what would possess someone to brutally ridicule her physical appearance? She may not be Tyra Banks but she is NOT ugly...

The only thing I can come up with that makes any sense is this: A person who says Michelle Obama looks like a gorilla is either (a) a true homophobe, or (b) a liberal troll trying to make conservatives look bad.



Favorite Answer

I'm a Democrat but I don't find Michelle Obama to be an attractive woman EXCEPT when she is in a ballgown and then she is simply stunning. I do not like her style of clothing. I do not like that she wears so many casual dresses (and sleeveless ones at that) and I hate those god-awful prints. I think that her shoulders are too broad and her mouth/bite is weird. I do not like the dress/cardigan sweater look on a First Lady. I prefer and believe that the First Lady should dress conservatively - I think Hilary Clinton has a better sense of propriety than Michelle Obama and that's saying something. I was embarrassed for America by that dress and cardigan she wore when she greeted Queen Elizabeth. Pretty sure Michelle was trying to convey a message but I happen to think it was the wrong one. I do not understand why so many fashion magazines rave about her style - just how many people do you see emulating it? No one. She doesn't even begin to compare to Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis who truly did change what women not only wore but how they wore their hair (although I understand many women are now wearing bangs because of her most recent hairstyle).

I could care less what Republicans think of her - I am just not a fan of hers. However anyone who refers to her as a gorilla should be ashamed of themselves; they are comparing her to a gorilla for no other reason than she is black. I like and admire her husband whom I voted for.


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Why do people suggest Michelle Obama looks like a gorilla?
I'm a conservative, BTW...

While I take issue with the First Lady's apparent hypocrisy when it comes to teaching children good nutritional habits, what would possess someone to brutally ridicule her physical appearance? She may not be Tyra Banks but she is NOT ugly...

The only thing...


Everytime a conservative call Michelle Obama a gorilla..they also blame the left for playing the race card



We are all suppose to have evolved from the ape according to scientist but I am a Christian so the theory is not pertinent to me. We have lost our First Amendment to the Constitution when your talking to the Liberal Press who will lynch any of us for speaking our mind. Someone could be labeled a racist when they say black people resemble an ape so if you think it don t say it especially if you want to keep your job.. I don t have a job to lose but I sure don t want the KGB to come and pick me up in the middle of the night and water board me for thinking someone is not completely evolved because of their skin color or facial features.


even judged by gorillas she would be a 4

lets be fair to our gorilla bretheran

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