What is the difference between the God Complex and overconfidence?

So I've been doing some research on the God Complex, and I find that it's similar (if not identical) to overconfidence.
The God Complex can be defined as "an unshakable belief characterized by consistently inflated feelings of personal ability, privilege, or infallibility." (according to Wikipedia)
An overconfident/arrogant person also has those traits.

The God Complex also has something to do with trial and error, however I don't see how trial and error have anything to do with inflated feelings about personal ability.

Here's a TEDtalk about the subject:


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I think the major difference is that someone with a God Complex will also judge the doubters, and reward his/her followers, where an overconfident/arrogant person will be much less 'grand' in the reaction to doubters, believers, or failure.