Any older people bored?

I keep busy all week but when Saturday night rolls around I feel like I'm just waiting for the PBS shows and then I'm off to bed.

There really isn't anything I want to do and if I did, I don't have the energy.

Any advice or could you share your experience?


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Winter is the worse time of year for me. I hate cold weather and from November until April is a long, long time. I use to make wreaths and pillow cases. Some times I will make an apron or sack pocket book. I love reading and being on the computer. Lately though I find no pleasure in doing any of these things. I don't know if it is my age but I am guessing it is. Nothing exciting for me. Maybe I am depressed.


Do you have a yard to piddle around in? Pick up sticks. Walk the dog around around a couple of blocks. Plant something in a pot. Walk around the house and put things in order. Organize stuff. Do one or two things each weekend and you'll feel better having gotten something done.You will generate more energy doing things. Force yourself. Make a list and do it only on weekends. As far as PBS goes, well, set an alarm 1 1/2 hours before your shows start to do last minute stuff. Then sit knowing you've gotten something done. I was the same way and even slept all day on Sat. to move it along faster but it screwed up my sleep pattern so bad I decided to make myself stay up and get things done. So I do the above. My energy has come back and I'm checking off the list. Even if my list is three pages long. I don't feel guilty for sitting so long watching PBS. I enjoy it more. Mr. Selfridge, Call the Midwife, Downton Abbey, Globetrekker, the Grannies, all have my attention. You're not alone in your feelings. I thought about getting a roommate but ...and Lord, what's it gonna be like when I retire.


I'm sorry - that you are bored. It may be a habit and you may need a bit of a change.

I do this on Yahoo after my husband goes to bed for the night.

I'm a night owl and spend several hours reading and keep a book list of all the books - that I have read - since retiring in 1996.

I have projects - that I love to do on my computer - keeping a daily journal.

Making family video's of all family occasions.

Doing genealogy research and writing family histories and working with ancestors and family pictures.

I'm sure - that we will all feel better - when we have warm sunny days and can get outside in the fresh air.

My husband keeps me in books to read - checking them out from our senior citizen library.

We too - watch PBS - loving the British Comedies - Rick Steves and Rudy Masa's travel shows. History Detectives and Antique Roadshow and there is the nightly - Funniest Home Video's.

Most important TV entertainment for us - is to watch NBA basketball.

Being up in the night - I am a day sleeper.

Hope to have been helpful.
DeeJay - my being home bound - my life centers around being at home. Love life - each day is a gift.

CO the Old Dog2013-04-07T04:10:09Z

I guess I do not get bored easily anymore. I play here on YA for awhile. I tired of this and then I read which is my preference. I do have many things that I enjoy doing but not at the last minute. Most of my activities are planned in advances or scheduled such as the matinee concert that I will attend on Sunday - we bought the tickets over a month ago. Retirement is not for the unplanned & unprepared!!

I suggest getting acquainted with the activities at your local Senior center, join a group which might have similar interest as yours. Take a walk every morning for a few minutes to get some fresh air. Join a senior citizens exercise class. good luck.


I am NOT bored. I can't imagine being bored. Since I retired, I haven't found enough hours in the day to do all that I want to do. I have building, and grounds maintenance. I have hobbies. Lot of hobbies. I have morning hobbies, day time hobbies, and night time hobbies. What I don't have. is enough time to fully enjoy them. When I watch TV, I don't watch PBS, I watch leading edge, far out, stuff, that isn't really popular yet. No boredom there either. Try Californcation, Newsroom, Deadwood, Nurse Jackie, Boss, Damages etc. I wish I could slow down, and rest, some more. But that's when you start to deteriorate.

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