My Avatar is gone! There is a Smily Face in its place. Where did it go, and Why?

That is all the information that I have. Where my Avatar used to be on my messenger window, there is now a square box with a smiley face. My Avatar shows on my profile page, but not on messenger. I am using 11, with Win 7 and Firefox.


I don't need any smart *** answers. I see it also, and I see it on my Profile page, if you would have read that. I don't see it on the Messenger window. I have not tried restarting my computer yet as I am doing other things. But I did restart yahoo messenger.


Favorite Answer

They did not fully read your question, And you are correct in saying that avatars have vanished from messenger. Not apparently for everyone though. It seems like a glitch caused by the changes. Hopefully they will fix it soon as it seems we can not rectify it.


I see an avatar... I think you're fine. Maybe you're computer's internet is just being weird today.


I see an avatar bro...