What does ' youre fit' mean?

i was changing for gym and a girl was like ' i'm so jealous! youre so fit." and i just said thanks i jog everyday lol. so yeah what does it mean?

Mr Black2013-04-11T17:30:39Z

Favorite Answer

"You're fit" is the English way of saying "You're hot." It makes me CRINGE when I hear it I can't stand it.

Americans use the word hot, and so do Australians (me) but the English prefer to use the word fit to describe what they consider to be a sexy woman.

Of course, "you're fit" can also mean it's literal meaning, like "you're nice and slim and healthy looking" when it's spoken to members of the same sex, this is what it means 99% of the time and in your case. You won't get 2 English blokes telling each other they're fit though, unless they're gay.

When it's said to the opposite sex in England, it's a flirty thing, but not so much here in Australia or in the USA.


Means you have a nice body and look good or you work out alot. 2 meanings.


Your body is in good shape


It means that your body is in good shape: muscles are showing and fat is not...