Is it time to eliminate the bench-clearing brawls from baseball?
The other 3 major sports do not allow players to leave the bench and engage in fighting. Time for baseball to put an end to this ridiculous activity. Your thoughts?
The other 3 major sports do not allow players to leave the bench and engage in fighting. Time for baseball to put an end to this ridiculous activity. Your thoughts?
10 Yard Fight
Favorite Answer
I wouldn't really call them brawls, 99% of the time there is one I laugh because my 6 and 3 year old daughters fight each other harder than that. But I do think it's stupid, there is no reason at all to have players running more than the length of a football field to push each other around , if you want to charge the mound then deal with it one on one and let the umps break it up. Anyone else involved should get a 50 game suspension.
No, that would be stupid and eliminate feelings and passion from the game. It's immature to fight when you're grown men, but seriously, it's not that bad. The other three major sports have more rough contact than baseball, and there's fighting in the NHL. Need we bring up the Malice in the Palace in the NBA?
NMo its time to suspend a player longer than 5 games for charging the mound
bench clearing brawls are rarew anymore
NBA still has fights
NFL still has fights
NHL always had fihgts
Boys will be boys - I don't want the human element removed for some idiotic reason of sensitivity. I love baseball and I love hockey both - there is even the occassional fight in the NBA and I am for keeping it there too. 30 teams, 162 games each, frustrations are bound to build - steam has to be released from time to time.
I agree with the first responder BORN2B1 and nba_gsw above.
then it wouldn't be baseball i think the penalties should be higher is the problem why they do it. But eliminating brawls would be like telling hockey players not to fight each other basically a waste of time.