Gimme 10 reasons my recording is awful?

So, in the process of mixing an EP and I was just looking for another set of ears. Lemme know what you think and anything that you'd change to improve it. Thanks.


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Gosh, it really depends upon what YOU are looking for and wanting to get from the tracks. Have to know if this is the style you are working in that others (listeners) can relate to as well.

Off hand, and just through my own PC (JBL's - Pro) speakers, sounds fairly good and I enjoyed the second one (02 - Plus-Minus), as an instrumental. But it was dependent (to strong) upon the distortion factor, at about the 2:48 mark of the score.

An intended distortion of a piece really has to be 'clean' enough to be interpreted for what it is designed for, to bring across the effect, and not be peaked both audibly or electronically (drop-offs and bleeding) during a recording for any output.

Still not sure of what you want in the way of being a quality recording, or what source it originated from.

Otherwise, a good enough rendition for most playback systems, I guess.