How do I reorder the videos in a Youtube playlist?

I checked their help section, and it says that you can click and drag the videos into the order you want. I've tried clicking on both the thumbnails and the titles, but the click and drag doesn't seem to work. Is there another way to do this?

And I did do an internet search, but the answers were all referring to how it was done a couple years ago (typing in the numbers, which no longer seems to be an option). Now there is just a box to check, but the only option seems to be to move them to the top or bottom of the playlist, not to rearrange them.



Aha, I just didn't know how to get the cursor. Thanks!


Favorite Answer

Video Manager
If you hold the cursor to the left of the thumbnail for a video, the cursor becomes a four-pointed arrow. You can then hold down your left mouse button and drag the video up or down and drop it where you want it.
Be sure to Save your changes.


Youtube Reorder Playlist


Thank you all for your replies and opinions!


you can find the best answer on youtube =========>