What's the definition of "Happiness"?

What would it take to be happy?


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It varies for everyone. For me, it would be peace of mind


Happiness is a state that exists only for a moment


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The definition of happiness is "being content with one's self." It doesn't matter how far up the ladder-of-life we have climbed, rather its how we treated others as we make the difficult climb to the top.


It's very elusive. People think they know what will make them happy - money, comfort, love, children -but really none of that makes a person happy, though a lack of those things can certainly make a person unhappy. What makes a person happy, I think, is a strong sense of self, a feeling that you really know yourself - not necessarily that you know what you want, but that you know who you are. I'm not sure where that comes from - I think it's partly developed from infancy through parenting and partly through our own journey as a person and partly that it's just a natural tendency of your personality.

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