Why do you think it was wrong?

For me to get an erection when I watched a video of a chick getting decapitated?

I don't think it's wrong, but I'm a nihilist.

So, Why do you think its wrong?


Right and wrong are concepts propagated by people, based upon moral codes that developed by ones culture.

In reality there is no right and wrong, only cultural perception.

Answers of 'Get help' and the like are rather amusing, though.


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while blood was flowing out of her body, it was flowing into your p***s. It may have been a coincidence that the events occurred at the same time.


I think it is gross. And I don't like the idea of anyone getting hurt. But that's just a preference. I wouldn't want to get hurt. I am actually afraid of death. It's genetically programmed into most of us.


Get help!


her head was chopped and you got a *****? its rhetorical question