Do you like my new song?

Just wanted to know what you guys think. Been working on this pretty hard.


@John: We all have different tastes. I don't expect our music to appeal to everyone. Thanks for giving it a listen.


Favorite Answer

Well, danged if I liked it.

Curios to know, how much of the track is fabricated by program and how many others (players) are involved in the whole mix.

Just to say, it would be what I'd expect when dropping into a typical dance club or entertainment night stand to have a nice time with my friends, or just to relax and enjoy the music.

All this can be done, by one who knows how to put the media together with today's electronics too.

I give it a 6.

Thank you.


I like it! It's so old school! Mostly cause of the voice effect x) I especially like the intro.