What should I take to the hospital when I go into labor?

I'm trying to think but my poor pregnant brain is blank -_-
What are the things I'll need at the hospital when I go into labor?
So far I have my toothbrush, makeup, a brush and hair ties, and clothes.
Anything else?
I feel like I'm missing a lot :/


Favorite Answer

I brought toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo/conditoner/lotion. clothes, pillow, and the same things for the baby's father.
for our baby we brought clothes, blankets, and a paci.
the hosiptal provides the basics for the baby at the hosiptal so I dont recommend bringing diapers or wipes. they will be provided.
good luck and best wishes!


I would bring some overnight pads yes they have some but they aren't very comfy. If breast feeding you need your pump. Don't forget camera.


Don't forget the chap stick you'll need it! You can take your own pads shampoo conditioner


your camera
hand phone