When it comes to relationships, why do people (esp. guys) wanna go so fast?

Why don't people take enough time to get to know one another.. and be friends before starting a relationship? Because after all, you have to be compatible right? And you want the relationship to last? So why the rush?

I mean, nowadays you text one another for a week, you see one another 2 days.. and words like "love" already fall? or people say things like: "I don't know how I've managed to live without you". Why does it seem that we value lust more than love?

♡ Sanju ♡2013-05-05T19:09:18Z

Favorite Answer

i know exactly what you mean....ugh i don't know why they go so fast.....
but its all drama.... ppl now a days have more lust than love.... especially when it comes to guys, they are always desperate for romance..... they actuallly dont knw whether they are in love or just attracted to girl.... all they need is romance..... romance....
having someone to love you and respect you is the best thing in the world and a lot better than just playing all the dramas to get what they want all the time......


I'm a guy and I agree with you completely. I value love far more than I do lust. Do things together as friends, then work on a romantic relationship. Do you enjoy the same foods, hobbies, concerts, music and theater? It takes time and effort to find out if you are compatible or not. Personally, I like the wonderment and anticipation of a possible romantic relationship.


Hmm that's a good question sometimes i notice i go a little too fast when i find a girl that likes me because I'm desperate because 98% of the women I talk to either 1 ignore me 2 don't want to talk to me for what ever reason....so that's just my 2 cents I figure it's like that with guys because there the ones that's mostly rejected and they may not want to be rejected again so the speed up the process in fear of the girl getting uninterested....


Beginning of love means infatuation and lust especially for guys and they manuplate girls too and so the start is quick. Its not love but only desire to fulfill physcical need. It won't take much time to breeak off. In many cases girls are also very fast in this matter and ultimate result is avoiding each other at the earliest. I don't know you agree or not but I feel there is nothing lik love. if it is, then we can call it lust ,infatuation, attraction just for having *** and there after to find out some one else and first love go to deep ditch. Thank you.

That Guy Again2013-05-06T05:15:05Z

Because majority of relationships start with lust and sexual attraction which is completely natural.

how many people out there will go and cheat if their partner isn't giving enough sex? many.. goes to show what the relationship was built on ;) some people need sex to feel close to something, some people got the void!

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