Should drivers say a prayer before starting the engine?
A Driver’s Prayer
By Warren E. Domke
Lord, help me to keep my eyes on the road,
And to watch out for whatever is next to me,
Help me protect myself and those I love,
As well as those who share the road with me.
Help me to control my speed as well as the directions I go,
And to control my temper when others on the road do stupid things.
And please forgive me when I do stupid things while driving,
And help me to avoid doing them whenever possible.
Help me to be courteous and to remember who I am,
What I am and where I want to spend eternity.
Please guard my soul and take me home when my time has come,
And please, Lord—if it be your will—let that not be today!
(I have been driving for more than fifty years. In that time I have been involved in four accidents, none of which resulted in injuries and at least one of which was my fault. I have spent time in military service with many hours as a passenger on all types of military aircraft. I also learned to fly an airplane myself, and I spent a year in a combat zone. I have done social work in a dangerous part of a big city. But nothing I have done is as dangerous as getting in my car to drive it to the store or anyplace else! I do pray a lot when I'm driving. I thought it might be good to have a specific prayer for that purpose.)