I'm sad and I don't know what to do?!?

:/ Well I've been sad for a while mostly at night. And I want to lighten up my spirit lol :p What are some things I can do to make me feel better and not so gloomy?


Favorite Answer

Go to the beach watch & listen to the waves
Get pampered
Go shopping
Donate some money/time to help unprivileged people
Spend time with someone you love
Watch comedy movies and have some ice cream
Go for a nice drive
Or a vacation


Number 1 - Turn ON the lights. Wherever in the house you are at, turn on the lights, and don't be afraid to let the room be bright. Bright = happy. I use this trick when I have chores to do - start with a dim room and I don't want to do anything. Turn on the lights and I can't stop.

Review your music - no matter how comforting it is to you, if your music is all about sadness, depression, self-loathing, etc... it's not going to lighten your mood. You'll just be comfortably depressed. Find some party music, listen to some George Carlin. If you don't know who Carlin is, that may have been your problem to begin with. Repent and sin no more.

One more thing - you're mostly sad at night? What are you doing with your nights? If they all involve you being alone at home, that might be what you need to change.

Best of luck!

T o s h2013-05-14T01:04:47Z

My motto over the years in dealing with depression has been, "Fake it to make it". Smiling every now in then, even if you aren't happy, is scientifically proven to feed endorphins and make you happy. Optimism is the strongest quality a person can have. Some mistake it for being naive, but I look at is a really strong trait to carry. Optimism only brings happiness and less worry/stress. :) Train your brain to look on the brighter side! Don't rely on others to feed that to you. You have to be independent and see things in a self-obtained positive light.

Also. DOING rather than THINKING is also proven to help! Get out there. Do not be a slave to your wondrous mind because that is when all the negative thoughts can flood in.

Good luck love!


You are sad may be because you are alone. Loneliness is very much depressive so try to find some friend who can accompany you at any time (best friends) or you can have couple of interactions within your family. I think you need to change the limit a go to the horizon of you family relation. After all they are the closest among any you could see around.


talk to family and friends...maybe get some chat friends

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