How many more scandals are democrats going to rack up before this is all over?
How many more scandals are democrats going to rack up before this is all over
How many more scandals are democrats going to rack up before this is all over
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Lord willing, a lot.
Mujer Alta
As many as the right can make up and/or blow all out of proportion, I guess. Like their reaction to budget deficits and the national debt, the right is only sensitive to these things until one of them is sitting in the Oval Office, then they become blind and deaf to everything that goes on in Washington.
Depends on how many more the GOP can come up with.Government and those in it are only in it for the money.They profit off the distractions they throw at us to obscure their failures,this includes all parties.
Who knows!
Thing is though, there hasn't one been proved as yet, so your premise is almost as hollow as your f*cking head, don't you think???
The Crimson Ginge
a ton if the republican scandals are still bullshit.