Is it my imagination or are we missing a lot of the regular YA Politics?

liberal posters lately? I usually get on at this time before work and see many of the same ones here at this time.


Favorite Answer

They are in hiding. Knowing that 0bama has finally been brown-skidmarked by 3 major scandals. It's a matter of time before the liberal agenda is crushed by utter defeat in the 2014 and 2016 elections.

Numbers of reasons why:

1. Trying to ban guns.
2. IRS harassing TEA PARTY People.
4. 0bamacare
5. Fast & Furious
6 Secretly wire-tapping us
7. 4th Amendment banning

Weasel McWeasel2013-05-17T03:55:01Z

I can only speak for myself, but I talk with some of the others, and the general consensus is, ....

you can can only answer just so many inane similar questions, by whiny cons, before you just get bored, and start drifting to other categories.

I mean, most of the political regulars here, LOVE a red hot election debate and all the energy and daily changing news that usually goes with a hotly contested election........but once the election is OVER.......the political boards suffer thru a few phases.

Phase the shock and disbelief of the side that they all run and change their avatars and come back as level one trolls and start attacking all the winners.

I refer to the Great 2008 Post Election Massacre, when Pubs went on a rampage, and took down most of the Liberal TC's here.......myself included.

I won my ACCOUNT *Back* on appeal, twice........proving it was a coordinated false attack......but it was relentless , and I was eventually overwhelmed by sheer numbers.

Many told similar tales of endless reports.......and violations.......all of them Bogus.

Anyway, Phase usually alot of whining about the election............

and then phase 3.............what happens's over. He's elected.....ya can't do crap about the cons just simmer down and go back to doing what they do best...............posting a whole lot of false crap about Obama.

They'll seize on any tibit.....any Glen Beck Blaze broadcast.....any Rush rant, ...any bit of nonsense they can get..............and just play it to DEATH. (ie: Behghazi) (Now, the IRS stuff, to be sure)

So all we end up with here, is 50,000 "questions". all asking about Obama's "impeachment" over Benghazi.

Ya know.......kinda like all the BIRTHER dreck before it.

The vast majority of "questions" just becomes the same redundant republican sore loser bleating..........and it gets OLD really fast.............without all that FRESH input of an ELECTION.

So, the regulars..........who have answered these same questions 50,000 times over........yeah, start to wander away, until some ELECTION action heats up again. Or something good or worthwhile happens...............

We all know all the Benghazi whining in the world, isn't going, all that nonsense is pointless.


I omit lots of my old college cronies from Yahoo! a pair have died, many have purely moved on, one went thoroughly insane (no longer my fault). i could desire to call names, purely to honour all of them, yet i'm probable nonetheless a individual of activity from that era...


While I am very sad that certain things have happened, I have to wonder if some of them are unsure of if they want to defend Obama any more. I heard someone on MSNBC (yes I do watch and I watch ALL the channels to get a varied viewpoint, you have to nowadays) saying that liberals facing re-election in the next election are trying to distance themselves from the Obama administration. How interesting that is.
Those folks will be back, no worries. They are probably busy researching on the various liberal fed web sites what their talking points need to be. I laugh a bit using that phrase as look at what Obama's administration got themselves in trouble for with Benghazi by editing their talking points and coming up with a posture that wasn't exactly truthful to cover up mistakes and wrongdoings.
It is an interesting time and I took the book called "Breach of Faith" about the fall of the Nixon administration out of the library yesterday. I was pretty young in those days and don't remember lots of the details, but I find it a fascinating comparison. I want to delve into what happened, lots of these things are being brought fourth on the news.
One of the things that got Nixon and his people in trouble the most was all the fancy dancing around they had to do to cover up the initial wrongs they did. I am noting that with Obama right now. In Obama's administration, there have been American citizens who died both in Benghazi and also due to the Fast and Furious gun deal. There is a lot more on his head than Nixon had. I think we are seeing the tip of the iceberg.
LIberals are not necessarily stupid, they look towards their government and leaders to solve life's issues. They are people who strongly believe in laws to keep people in line, such as not allowing people to buy large sodas as we all know it contributes to obesity. While I agree that large sodas are not good for anybody, I don't think government should be creating laws to make us do what other people think. If I want to drink that crap each day of my life and become obese, it is my right to make that choice. Liberals probably think they know better than me, so it is for my own good, right?
So, right now, liberals are scared and their leadership may not be what they think it was. They are preparing their defense and new leaders will surface and life for liberals will settle down and they will be soon back to argue and come up with all the reasons why certain things are OK. I'm waiting to learn from them and wonder who will excuse what was done. They will also quickly re-attach themselves to a few political people who are not close to the Obama administration and listen to those people. They must have someone to follow and if they lost trust in those who they placed great faith in, there will be others.
By the way, I cannot resist one more thing. I had a discussion with a liberal friend one time during the time Clinton was impeached and disbarred (just a hand slap, he is still out there and liberals love him). I said something like "How can you admire a man who would have an affair with a young intern and lie about it, he is a cheater". The excuse I was given was that in Europe men of power all have mistresses and that the USA is backwards in it's thinking. There is nothing wrong with this.
Excuse me? What are marriage vows and why be married if you want your cake and eat it too? I just will never understand... but this was truly the defense offered, as if we all need to grow up and be more cosmopolitan. Yikes. But, this from the party who believes abortion is not killing, yeah right. But, it's OK to put a doctor on trial for "killing" an aborted child after it was aborted, this same doctor killed each baby aborted, so what was different about killing it after it came out of the mom's womb I wonder? The result is the same, that baby died in all cases. I shall never understand the mentality.

AntiPC Now in H-D2013-05-17T04:24:46Z

The truth works like a bug exterminator.

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