Is it possible that IPL owners are involved in betting and spot fixing?
Imagine, bookies are interested in money, and the best way to make money is to fix players, and the best way to fix a player is to become a team owner ......therefore, the best way to make money is to become an IPL owner....think about it , is it possible?
Otherwise why will anyone become any IPL owner, as 90% of them are losing money legally. If they can win money by losing matches, it makes sense that they are handling the bookies. Maybe that's why they claim to be victims? Are we onto something here. Is IPL a ponzi scheme (winning money in betting by instructing players to lose matches?) They might be luring the poor players in the after-party and making money through's possible isn't it?
Maybe they borrowed heavily from the underworld to pay players in auction, but when they realized that they are not going to make money from IPL, they may have started betting money on losing to pay underworld back?
They lure players in the after parties....especially targeting poorly paid players from simple background (sreesanth was an exception, they probably lured some with honey traps in after parties)...
I am giving thumbs up to everyone ....thanks for answering! Please write to some newspaper or tweet this to some news channel so that they can investigate this angle.
Thanks for all the answers guys! Excellent answers! I hope the press reads all of your answers and writes an article about it, because they are so good. Yes, probably not all, but some teams maybe involved; if not in spot fixing, then at least in betting to recoup some money. And yes, if they roped in some big ranking bcci people (poor guys I don't think they get paid as much as players, so I am sure they are easy to corrupt too with their low salaries.....again they are innocent until proven guilty). They could easily be jealous of player salaries. So it makes a lot of sense if BCCI might be involved in the whole mess and will try a massive cover up if they are (players need to be careful). Anyways great answers and speculation, keep them coming. Thumbs up to everyone!
Sorry typo above....."and yes, ***they probably won't risk it*** unless they roped in some high ranking bcci officials (with money and honey traps cos those officials get paid really poorly compared to players .....ofcourse innocent until proven guilty), because the risks are too high (unless they are plain stupid like some of these players have been"
I just submitted an article to fakingnews website, lets see if they publish it :D