Can you imagine a world where all people have access to safe, effective low cost birth control?
Birth control means contraception.
The prefix contra means against - as in to prevent.
Contraception prevents pregnancy.
Contraception is not an abortion.
An abortion is an induced expulsion of the products of conception.
An abortion is not contraception.......because an abortion does not prevent conception.
To the few here who have an IQ above 75, I apologize....but you know you are the minority.
Gazoo - Here in Texas a person under the age of 18 can't get it with parental consent. It requires a prescription in all states. How much does the doctor visit and pap cost? Usually around $200.00 or wow, it's like.....suddenly more than just $10.00.
The average oral contraceptive costs closer to $30.00 per month for the uninsured.
I assure you the problem is far from solved.
"Perhaps its time that you studied up a little on exactly how the pill works. It does not prevent contraception"
Your statement doesn't make sense. Most birth control pills work by causing the body to believe that ovulation has occurred.....when it fact it hasn't. There is no egg to fertilize.
"It does not prevent contraception" What do you even mean by that?
Never mind....don't waste my time with an "explanation"
The bible is not the place to go for contraceptive counseling, clearly.