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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 8 years ago

Can you imagine a world where all people have access to safe, effective low cost birth control?

Birth control means contraception.

The prefix contra means against - as in to prevent.

Contraception prevents pregnancy.

Contraception is not an abortion.

An abortion is an induced expulsion of the products of conception.

An abortion is not contraception.......because an abortion does not prevent conception.

To the few here who have an IQ above 75, I apologize....but you know you are the minority.


Gazoo - Here in Texas a person under the age of 18 can't get it with parental consent. It requires a prescription in all states. How much does the doctor visit and pap cost? Usually around $200.00 or wow, it's like.....suddenly more than just $10.00.

The average oral contraceptive costs closer to $30.00 per month for the uninsured.

I assure you the problem is far from solved.

Update 2:

"Perhaps its time that you studied up a little on exactly how the pill works. It does not prevent contraception"

Your statement doesn't make sense. Most birth control pills work by causing the body to believe that ovulation has occurred.....when it fact it hasn't. There is no egg to fertilize.

"It does not prevent contraception" What do you even mean by that?

Never mind....don't waste my time with an "explanation"

The bible is not the place to go for contraceptive counseling, clearly.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    That will never happen, because Christians don't want abortion AND they don't want birth control. They want everyone to have more kids than they can afford so they can stay poor, desperate and miserable, because poverty, desperation and misery all make people easier to control.

  • 8 years ago

    “Birth control means contraception.”

    No, birth control means controlling the number of live births. Contraception means controlling the number of conceptions. Commonly, however, the two are lumped together. Contraceptive devices, for example the condom and IUD’s, prevent births by preventing conception, but others, like the “pill” prevent birth by preventing the embryo from developing in the mother’s body

    “Contraception is not an abortion.”

    Many forms of what are commonly referred to as contraception, primarily the “pill”, are abortion because they prevent the “product of conception” from implanting in the uterus of the mother. The embryo (which has, by the way, a complete, unique set of human DNA) is then expelled from the body. This expulsion is induced by the actions of the mother taking the pill with the express purpose of making implantation very unlikely.

    “…an abortion does not prevent conception.”

    No, it doesn’t, but neither does the most popular forms of contraception ( a misnomer if there ever was one) used by women.

    Perhaps its time that you studied up a little on exactly how the pill works. It does not prevent contraception

    BTW: Why don’t you just call the “product of conception” what it is; a baby; an embryo; a fertilized egg? Do you think it makes you sound “more scientific” to just describe it? That’s like always calling the Sun “our primary energy source ” and never just calling it “the Sun”.


  • 8 years ago

    Yes its called Britain, there English they give it away for free there.

    Contraception would reduce the many thousands of NEEDLESS abortions BUT it would not remove the requirement for some abortions where a woman's life is in danger or as the result of a rape.

    Contraception would also reduce the amount of illness spread through unprotected sex.

  • 8 years ago

    It is called, "All the western world save for the US and Ireland"

    But, yes. Anyone who is pro-life and opposes contraception either just wants people to have lots of unplanned children or buys into a badly carried out study the Vatican pushes a lot claiming contraception increases the number of unplanned pregnancies.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    That would be very nice, but it won't ever happen as long as religions are controlling governments. It's pretty damned simple. Less pregnancies would mean less abortions.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    That would be awesome. Seeing as in 20-30 years we'll be so overpopulated the government will probably start shooting us to keep the numbers down, that will really come in handy.

    Source(s): Certified furry!
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago


    And the education to go with it of course.

    Overpopulation is a growing problem (pardon the pun), and that could fix it in a couple generations.

  • 8 years ago

    It'd stop stupid sixteen year-olds getting pregnant for the sake of having a ten minute slot on "16 and Pregnant".

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    It's less than ten bucks a month at Wal-Mart. It's here dude...

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    highly recommended these sites: ........................................... store located in Los Angeles, U.S ........................................... main store located in Ontario, CA ........................................... main store located Queensland, AU ........................................... is an indian pharmacy, ........................................... main store located in london, UK

    You can buy them either from local pharmacies or online pharmacies.. so its completely up to you from where you want to buy.. I used to order it from online pharmacies.. There are so many pharmacies available which provides FDA approved medicines without any issues..

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