Any advice about a growing Wisdom Tooth poking at my bottom gum?

I started experiencing the pain from the growing tooth yesterday. It's not the gums around tooth itself, but the way that it's growing with the sharp end constantly poking at my bottom gum that's been bothering me. It's come to the point where I can't close my mouth or chew without it poking. There's already a large dent in the bottom gum.
All I can think of is taking pain killers until I get a dentist appointment scheduled. Is there anything else I can do in the meantime?


Favorite Answer

Try numbing the area with Anbesol or something similar - a gel containing benzocaine or another topical anesthesia. You can get it at any drugstore in the oral hygiene aisle. You can ask the pharmacist for help finding something too. Ice can also help. And yes, pain killers are OK too. Ibuprofen (Advil) will help if you have swelling in the area, and acetaminophen (Tylenol) is a good general pain blocker.
Get to the dentist as soon as possible. Limit yourself to soft foods in the meantime.
Good luck, I know this stuff isn't fun!


Put a dab of clove oil on the area, or failing that some say a dab of whisky helps. Try not to touch it and press it. I know it may offer momentary relief but will bruise your gums in the long run and just cause more pain. Use antiseptic mouthwash.

While you're wisdom teeth are growing you will often get a few or so of growth and pain the a few months of nothing, then they will grow again. In the end they will either fully erupt and fit comfortably in you mouth, partially erupt and fit comfortably in your mouth or else you will need to have them removed


i have all of my wisdom teeth with me :) so, I am sure its not your wisdom teeth. Gums are just different. Though, if you use dental floss at least once a day it will HELP a lot. I know it may sound contradicting, since dental floss will be going in between your teeth causing your gums to bleed, but I've tried it for a couple of weeks and my gums stopped bleeding. Just use dental floss and it will help you :D


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