How to escape car addiction?

I am what you call a car enthusiast. And after realizing the time and brain power it consumes of my life, I realized that it was a bad thing.

Seriously, every time I look at a road, I catch myself identifying every single car in view. That is not good.

I can not go cold turkey, since every road I see revives my hated addiction. The occasional Ferrari gets my heart racing no matter how hard I try to control it. Even watching TV puts me into the dreaded car ads.

And now, I have withdrawal symptoms. Every car dealership I see, every car that I can recognize makes me sad. While I am on the road, I feed depressed knowing the specs of all the cars whizzing by. The occasional Ferrari now makes me sigh instead of giggle in ecstasy.

The creepiest thing is that nobody realizes this addiction. All who go in never come back out, and are damned for life. All who aren't enthusiasts never see the addiction of those who are.

I'm starting to think that this is the worst addiction of modern society.


Favorite Answer

You are minimizing real and serious addictions. Not everything can be addictive.


Yeah, that's not an addiction. You like cars, many people do.