How should I ask her out?

I'm 17 years old. There's a girl in my class who I really am deeply falling for. Despite being in high school for three years, I have never really had a relationship with anyone. I've just been chilling out, no one except her has ever really made me feel the way I do about her. I work at a gas station in a small 1-employee working at a time situation. Basically I am the only person working a a time. A lot of times my friends come in for a while and chill out with me while I'm working. I recently started texting her and my friend who has been in several relationships sort of coached me while I did it. I invited her to the as station(I know, it sounds cheesy) and she said she would stop in. My friend told me to tell her I have a present waiting for her when she comes in. He's basically trying to be a pal and get me laid. I don't know why, but I took his advice because he has more experience in datin than I do. She seemed a little confused and came in with her friend. For some reason I chickened out and said that my friend got a hold of my phone and sent the texts. When she left, I felt terrible. I really like this girl and I lied about the texts like an idiot. She just makes me feel really weird, like someone shot me with adrenaline or something. How do I tell her that I actually texted her and then ask her out. I don't need to ask her out right away either, I just want to text her for a while. Any help is mighty appreciated!

Basel H. Ashour2013-05-28T03:56:21Z

Favorite Answer

Learning how to ask a girl you like out is tough because we don’t think highly of ourselves. Why would a beautiful woman go out with me? She must be so interesting and sophisticated .. unlike me. Let me tell you that thinking like that will not help you.

You can stop it immediately by realizing that it is also simply untrue. Think about it; if you have ever spent more than an hour with a woman you will know that all women, even beautiful women are not as perfect as you think. Stop putting this woman or any woman on a pedestal and thinking that she is so unbelievably great. Tell yourself that she has faults and will also have annoying traits which you will not love. Not only will thinking like this help you stop viewing her as some goodness, but it will actually make you much more confident and less shy around her, trust me.

I'm sorry but telling her lies about the texts and that your friend got hold of the phone was a really bad idea. NEVER lie to a girl especially if you like her, it will only lead to more complications and will make it harder for her to trust you anymore, but as you have already lied, I see no reason to bring that topic up again, except if you are willing to apologize to her (in this case apologizing about your friend's mistakes), make sure that you tell your friend to act like he is the one who really sent the text to her. However, it is all up to you if you want to take your chances and tell her the truth, she might accept what you have done. After all, maybe she liked the gas station idea and there was no need to lie at all?

That 'Adrenaline shot' you are talking about is nervousness or shyness, you will HAVE to fight it in order to make any kind of progress. I know that shyness is not easy to fight and I can relate to that a lot. But the truth remains unchanged whether you are shy or not, it is not like you are going to wake up someday to find her your girlfriend. No it won't happen, unless you get over it, go up to her and ask her out.

It is way better to ask her out face to face. A simple "hi, how are you doing?" and in the middle of talking, break it through to the important part and ask her out! Try saying "hey by the way, I was wondering if you would like to go to the movie (or whatever) this weekend. If she says she is busy DO NOT ask her when would she be free or something you will just appear too clingy, don't push her to give you a time or she will reject you. Probably you will just scare her off.

A good way for you is to talk to her about anything like a movie or something, before asking her to go see it with you. Tell her something like: "You know there is that movie called (insert name) in the cinema, it is about (insert details), it is an awesome movie you must come see it with me this weekend, what do you think?". That would be a nice pickup line, right? If you are going with the movie choice, beware not to give too much details and spoil the movie for her!

Another tip for you. If you are unsure about approaching someone, or feel so shy around her, consider the regret you might feel if you don’t go for it. Which would be tougher and bring more regret, sitting still and not going up to her or actually going up to her and asking her out? Not doing which action would bring more regret? You know the answer.

Best wishes and Good luck!
Basel H. Ashour