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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicPolls & Surveys · 1 decade ago

Should girls ever ask guys out?

would it be easier if girls asked guys out,instead of guys asking them??

50 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I like when women ask also...

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I've talked to a few chicks when I was younger and we decided we wanted to go out but nothing ever happens. I'm personally really shy and the first girl I dated was like that, it was completely obvious we wanted to date so I think I just asked her. But it would be cool to be asked out by a chick. Just make sure he has an interest in you. If he does or doesn't you could be shut down anyways, either because he's nervous (why he didn't ask you out) or he just is not interested.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think it would be easier, at lest on the girls. I know that guys would love it. I have been asked out a few times and I have always enjoyed it. I mean we (guys) tend to get worried about asking out some women because of what we have heard in the past, no. It makes us more shy and it takes a lot more for us to ask a girl out even if we like her. Many guys will put off asking a girl out until she gives us a sure sign she likes us. That means she talks to us, comes over and makes a point to talk to us and smiles at us. She flirts with us by saying cute little things like, "you look really handsome today" or something silly like that. Heck sometimes the girl even just gets close and kisses us. Then that's a dead give away she likes us. That's usually when a guy will feel good about asking a girl out. Otherwise, it depends on the guy. Some will never say a word about going out with her, even though he really, really likes her. Others think if a girl just smiles at them they must like them and want to go out, so he asks. In some cases that has worked out. I think a girl should feel free to ask a guy out. I also think regardless of who asks who out, the guy should always pay, but I'm a little old fashioned I guess. I say go for it! I know it has made things a whole lot easier on me when they ask and unlike most girls if I am not interested I don't act like a snob. I just thank them and tell them I am already seeing someone or something. That way they do not get their feelings hurt. Girls seem to not care as much about how the guy feels. I have seen girls actually be mean to a guy for asking them out. Like the guy was beneath her or something. Guys are not that mean when it comes to a girl asking them out. It makes us feel really good and happy. Oh and most of the time the guy is more than willing to go out with the girl. =)

  • 7 years ago

    I think girls can make the first move. Personally I'm shy and it took me about six months to gather the courage to ask the girl I liked out( and get rejected) and there have been a few girls I thought liked me and I was never sure and didn't want to risk getting rejected again. If any one of those girls had asked me I would have said yes.

    Most guys will ask the girl out, but its those shy guys who will ask you out eventually who need you to ask them. they will ask eventually but that could be months, maybe a year away.

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  • 7 years ago


    1. It is attractive

    2. Shows she's confident and strong and independent

    3. A relationship is a two way street. Who ever made the "rules" of who always has to text first or do the asking is an idiot.

    Source(s): Life
  • 1 decade ago

    I would love to say "Yes" unconditionally- however if I remember correctly you come from Korea. I the states I consider it to be perfectly acceptable after all we are in 2008 and the old ways old our grand parents have fallen by the wayside... There is nothing immoral about it and if he won't ask you out give a nugh may be he feels the same way you do except he's to after to make the first move

  • 7 years ago


    People have the wrong idea that guys have to make the first move.

    Most of the time, the guys are longing that the girl will make the first move.

    I only think that marriage is the time where the guy should propose to the girl. Even then, it is not necessary but more of a tradition.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sure. Easier for the guy, especially if he's kind of shy. Harder for girls, especially attractive girls who are always used to being asked, instead of doing the asking.

    If you think the guy is worth asking out, then do it. If he's a good guy, then he'll definitely appreciate it.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I disagree that it makes a person look desperate... there's nothing wrong for a girl to ask a guy out. It doesn't always have to be the guy who takes the lead, that is so yesterday

    Girls can take the lead too and initiate things.

  • 6 years ago

    Well I like guys to feed me food and pay for my movies so I ask out guys all the time

    Source(s): Just kidding I'm a dude trying to give some perspective maybe
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i think if a girl has the confidence to ask a guy out then she should go for it! i personally don't have that confidence! lol but yeah its easier for a guy t ask me out but hey if a girl really likes a guy then i say more power to her lol :]

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