The car has 3 buttons for garage door openers which operates those openers built since the 1990s. The house we have now has an older Craftsman unit for the garage door. Is there an aftermarket controller that would connect my automobile's remote with the garage door opener?
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Pick one. Each pic has a link where to buy. When you get the unit You will have to open Your main door opener attached to the wall and get the code numbers then open the remote and put those numbers into the new remote. I don't think the older models are combat-able with a car remote.
RE: Aftermarket garage door openers controller? The car has 3 buttons for garage door openers which operates those openers built since the 1990s. The house we have now has an older Craftsman unit for the garage door. Is there an aftermarket controller that would connect my automobile's remote with the garage door opener?
You need to reprogram the units on the back or sides Off the opener hit the learn button and hold until a little lite turns of (about 20 sec.) that will erase the remotes and keypads then hit the learn button again for about a second then pres the remote you want to program to that opener until the door opens or closes and to program the key pad you press again for a sec. go to the keypad put your password again and press enter until the door actions. Do that for both openers with the desired remotes and password. The first step where you press and hold is just to erase all the memory so you only do it once. If you still have problems it might be the logic board of the opener (brain) you should call a garage door company to check it out . LEARN BUTTON IS A SMALL BUTTON SQUARED OR ROUND AND IT HAS A LITTLE LED LIGHT RIGHT NEXT TO IT. If its the area where you live that wont let the signal work properly then you have to upgrade the opener with a new receiver box with a stronger signal and new remotes that work with the receiver box (that is to keep from replacing the whole thing) if that's the case then a garage company will do it for you "ask then to also PM your doors"
Record the model # of your remote and take it to a home improvement store, hardware store, or anywhere else garage door openers are sold. They should have some aftermarket remotes. Read the back of the package for compatible openers and see if your model fits.