Writers, what famous/notable real-life objects, places, etc. will appear or get a mention in your fiction?
Here are mine:
Objects: Concorde and Spitfire is likely to get a mention. One character will be reading a middle-ages hardcover book which I haven't decided the title. And a lot of famous paintings, one of my characters is so rich his house is more like a castle.
Places: Bran Castle is going to appear in mine, and the Führerbunker will either get a mention or appearance. A lot of the world's countries will be mentioned too, as my characters travel from one place to another.
Steven J Pemberton2013-05-28T01:12:54Z
Favorite Answer
I've written only one book that's set in the real world. Off the top of my head, it mentions... Richmond (suburb of London), BBC News, Bracknell, Luton, a few old sci-fi movies, a fictional nuclear bunker in Siberia, Martinique (island in the Caribbean), New York City, the Statue of Liberty, and New Mexico. There are a few blink-and-you'll-miss-them references to Alice in Wonderland, The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and The Muppets.
Apart from that? A few big English cities get mentioned by name, but although I know where the locations that the story takes place are based on, the names in the story aren't real (and I've tweaked the geography to suit myself anyway).
One of the buildings in my university will appear, but not by its own name. Just a building of the same sort of design. It's a very old sandstone hall - very beautiful, actually.
I also live near a place called "Snake Gully", which is a fast, windy road through your classic dry Australian hills (and goes partway through a eucalypt forest). I love it, and that place will appear in the story - but not by it's own name, either.