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Lv 4
? asked in Arts & HumanitiesBooks & Authors · 1 decade ago

What is your greatest strength as a writer?

I recently asked on here, "What is your greatest flaw as a writer?". But as I think, I would also like to hear what other writers think their greatest strength in writing. What is something that your are particularly good at writing (I don't mean genre). Is it settings, characters, plots, ideas, etc.?

I think knowing what our strengths are help us write good stories, as well as help us enjoy the writing experience. So, what is your strength in writing, if you don't mind sharing?

It's hard for me to give an example, because I'm not good at praising myself, and admitting that I'm good at something. But here it goes.... One thing that I think I'm strong at doing is world building. I enjoy reading and writing science fiction the most, what I like about it is the endless possibilities of other worlds (planets, dimensions, realities, it's all good). So when I write sci-fi I think that I'm pretty good at building unique places, settings, cultures, life, and systems; whole worlds and universes. Whether it be a Earth-like planet with a different culture, or a completely different universe with it's own set of physics and rules. It gives me joy to create these new worlds and lands, places and beings. It fun, and there is literally no end to how far the imagination can fly.


Oh, and if you would like to take a look at the greatest flaws question, here's the link:;_ylt=AiSSV...

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Can I have two? ;-) If you read some of the comments about this book:

    what you'll find people praising most often is the dialogue (or crisp, tight writing overall) and the magic system - maybe world-building in general. I'd like to think the plot is pretty good too. That's three things...

    If I had to pick one, it would probably be persistence - the willingness to stick with something until I've got it right. That doesn't necessarily mean sticking with any particular book, as I've abandoned more than one when I didn't think I could make it work. I mean sticking with writing, learning from my mistakes and gradually getting better (sometimes very gradually!)

  • 4 years ago

    My Greatest Strength

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh goodness... I would say my flaw is apart of my strength.

    As I've said before, I tend to get wordy and it can overwhelm my sentences but on the contrary, words are also my strength.

    I have a complex vocabulary for most kids my age. Half the time my friends have no idea what I'm talking about. I love large words and can pick up a meaning rather quickly with context clues. My forte is describing. I can build precise pictures for my readers and although I don't take lightly to flaunting my strengths, I find I'm pretty darn good with my descriptions. Yes, I may get a tad wordy at times but with a little tweak here and there, it's a very elaborate scene. I love painting pictures with words and creating a place that may not exist on Earth. People often become annoyed with long descriptions but I feed from them. In my personal work, I try to limit myself to prevent that drag-on description. All in all, words are my strength and weakness.


    This is what you get for making the dictionary a secondary bible.

    Source(s): Fantasy and Horror writer
  • sarah
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I think my greatest strength as a writer is my ability to come up with ideas. I'm always coming up with new plots, characters; thankfully, I'm inspired by the smallest details. However, there's a bad side to this -- I have the hardest time getting the ideas on the paper. Sitting down to do the actual writing is what I struggle with, not figuring out what to write about. Good question by the way.

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  • Dialogue would have to be a strength of mine. I can get so into it that I won't realize fully what I'm writing. Some of the things my characters say surprise me and even catch me off guard.

    I'm also good at making up ideas. I have never been out of ideas before. There is always some idea/plot brewing in my mind. (You know, daydreaming xp )

    I also love writing description. I think that when my head is in the right place, it comes out pretty well


    Source(s): my 2nd personality
  • Brooke
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I think my flaws far outweigh my strengths :P but here is one of my biggest strengths: descriptive writing. I absolutely love it and it's so easy for me. It just flows out and seems to fit together perfectly. I took a descriptive writing course in high school that was all essays and stories, which I loved. So I have a lot of experience behind learning how to do it properly and also not to over describe. Too bad it also ties in with my weakness, which is not enough descriptive writing with my dialogue :(

  • 1 decade ago

    Hmm. I had to think about this a lot. Like you, I struggle to pick out good things about myself and my writing. When I tried to think about my strengths, I found myself just picking out bad points. My mind has gone completely blank, I don't think myself necessarily very good nor very bad at certain aspects of writing. I would say I'm good at setting the scene but I'm terrible at description. I do like creating my characters though; each character I create is unique and I sometimes find myself favouring some over others, as if I knew them in person.

    Source(s): Wrote my first novel of 55,000 words at 12.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Okay... So my strengths.... It took me a while to think about it, and to finally come up with an answer....

    I my my strength would have to be the plot... I think I hae fairly original, interesting plots - that I would enjoy, anyway. I fairly good at the whole brainstorming thing and I work out heaps of tiny details in the plot which no one but me would know.. sometimes it's not even used in the story, but it's there.

    Now I'm off to answer your other question.

    Both great questions, might I add

  • 1 decade ago

    My greatest writing strength would have to be my ability to write catchy beginnings, something that will keep the writers attention. I really like writing scenes where people are having dreams, because it gives me the chance to write abstractly, and add things that will make the reader wanting to know what is going on. It's a lot of fun to write and it makes me proud of my work, and it is rare that I am actually proud of something I write.

  • manz
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    What Are Your Biggest Strengths

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