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Anonymous asked in Arts & HumanitiesBooks & Authors · 7 days ago

White people: Are you ashamed of your history, or proud of it?

I'm proud of it and feel no regrets. Slavery and colonialism were historical norms practiced by people of all races, and Whites tended to treat their slaves and colonial subjects rather more leniently than others did. Whites were the first to abolish slavery, whereas it is still widely practiced to this day in certain places. Whites have also made by far the biggest contributions towards all forms of human advancement, in invention and discovery, science and technology, exploration (both of Earth and space), medicine, art, philosophy, literature, etc etc etc. Of course some excesses were committed from time to time (as they have been by all races), but they had nothing on the savagery of the Mongols, Aztecs etc and by any objective definition Whites have done far, far more good than bad for humanity.

65 Answers

  • 3 days ago

    We should not be judged by our race but on our character.  I'm glad as you are and suggest for those whom "offend" others because of their race or by the deeds of their ancestors, to do some research into any race and see which race is free of evil deeds. Moreover, there are good folks as there are evil or hurtful individuals in every race. 

    No one should let another person of a different race to judge another by their skin tone.

  • 4 days ago

    What people did back then has nothing to do with me. I am my own person and I am not defined by my skin color (white). Stop putting me into a racial box. The past is the past. Move on. 

  • 4 days ago

    I can be proud of our achievements but I cannot feel proud about the slavery and colonialism history.

  • Good
    Lv 6
    4 days ago

    I'm accepting of it.

    There will always be racism as long as the media and black leaders tell people they are being treated unfairly.  Black leaders have to keep the race pot stirred to stay in power and to keep getting money.  Politicians have to keep telling people they are discriminated against and keep promising to fight against it in order to get votes.  The media has to sensationalize every little thing for ratings.  Things that are not racist are made to be racist.  People have to be told something is racist in order to think it is racist.  They are always being told racist this and racist that.  If I was a black man my head would be spinning, and I would be afraid to go outside my door.  When will we be called Americans instead of black man and white man?  We are all the same and all want the same things.


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  • Anonymous
    4 days ago

    I am a caucasian man who isn't a white person per se who doesn't hate anyone regardless of their race, colour, creed, or religion.

    I am ashamed of people who have a chip on their shoulder because of their colour of skin and lack of self respect. 

  • 6 days ago

    I have nothing to feel ashamed of. I've never oppressed another person or treated anyone differently for being different from me in my entire life. I feel no white guilt, because I personally have done nothing to feel guilty over. 

    I'm also not one of those people who use the nonsensical "I don't see color" silliness. Of course I can see when someone else isn't the same color as me. My eyeballs work. I just don't think that difference in color matters. Color is WHAT a person is, not WHO a person is. And who you are is much more important than what you are.

    Having said that, I do feel shame, not for myself, but for any other human being, regardless of color, creed, religion, etc, who exercises racism, bigotry or prejudice.  It's the 21st century, for f*ck's sake. We should be way past that dumb sh*t.

  • I am not white, I am sort of pinky tan...with freckles

  • Marli
    Lv 7
    6 days ago

    My particular ancestors refused to join the military and kill for their country.  They served in ambulance corps. They made quilts for and fed  refugees and the homeless in the Netherlands and Germany. They comforted the sick, the wounded and the dying. Some served prison sentences for their steadfastness to  'Thou shalt not kill", or they were sent as orderlies to mental institutions. I am proud of them and humbled by them.

  • 6 days ago

    I'm neither proud nor ashamed because I didn't do it. Much like I'm neither proud nor ashamed of the actions of strangers who happen to share my birthday.

    People argue that the possibility that I benefit from past atrocities is morally significant, but by that logic aren't I also entitled to the credit for all the good things I benefit from?  I've benefitted from oxygen, therefore it's thanks to me that oxygen exists...

  • 7 days ago

    im proud of my history

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