Chances higher????????....?
My period in April was on the 4th,7 days normal period. This month it came 7 days late on the 10th and was 7 days long normal period. On the sunday that just past 26th, my fiance and i had sex and he had a late reaction and ejaculated inside me. The past 2 days i have been having slight cramps on my right side.. feels like my ovaries. Thinking i may be ovulating. I had my son in Nov 2012. which was recently. i got my period back since 4 weeks postpartum. Are my chances higher for concieving since i just had a baby? i never before experienced period like cramps around ovulation time that i remember. My son was my first pregnancy and he wasnt planned just concieved " whatever happens happens". I love him a lot and if i was to have another id love that baby too.
Not on Birthcontrol.