Seniors who are married, do you go everywhere together?

How many seniors opt. to staying home or doing something different then their spouse does for entertainment.
Today my husband dressed like his old Hippie self, old clothing, a small day pack with lunch inside and headed out for a 24 hour Harley Davidson music event.
I encouraged him to go alone as a full day of loud music and a night sleeping outside on the ground until the morning trains start back up wasn't very appealling
to me.
He just about ran out the door after I said I wouldn't mind being alone for a day.
I am on crutches at the moment,couldn't see myself hobbling around a ton of motorbikes and young bikini clad people, let alone trying to rest on the hard ground overnight.
So must you do everything together or do you also opt. out of events that only one of you would enjoy?


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We do most things together, but that is because we have the same interests. If he liked sleeping on the ground at Harley Davidson music events, he'd be doing that alone !


I would not want to sleep on the ground either! I don't enjoy going to see cars, trains, museums, etc but my husband does so when his brother comes to visit they go and I stay home. Most of the time we do things together because we have the same interests but I go to some things alone, groups like quilting, women's club, lunch with friends, etc. It's good to have separate interests also and get together with peers'


Oh my - - - if we had to do everything together, it would probably drive me crazy. I really enjoy alone time and my wife enjoys time with family and friends in the village. I enjoy going out by myself, meeting with friends or just going for walks - sometimes my wife will come with me, sometimes not, just as I can, though usually will not hang out for too long with friends in the village. I also enjoy going away alone sometimes too - though there are places we go to, like say Bangkok for a weekend, where she might go with her friends, me with mine and maybe we will meet for dinner or not.

We keep all of that pretty loose and easy - no big deal really, and not that there are any rules, but usually our schedule is that mostly we are both home by dusk or thereabouts. This has never been an issue for us - which is great for me as it seems I more and more like time by myself - we live in a family compound, so loneliness or being alone is never an issue for her either.


Yes, we do go everywhere together, in fact I enjoy it. My husband likes the same things I do, so it's a pleasure being with him enjoying it together, whether it's a day at the beach, or a night at the casino...or a stroll through a museum. I am happy to have found my soul mate and I hope to treasure all the memories I can.


No, we've always done some things without each other. My husband is a woodcarver, so he goes to carving club meetings and carving shows. I have been to some with him, but I usually choose to stay home and he goes with other carvers. He goes fishing. I used to go with him often, but my legs are now too painful for me to walk from the car to the fishing site. I don't mind being at home alone. He goes out to lunch once or twice a month with friends he used to work with. I go to lunch with friends sometimes, too.

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