Is it smart to buy a hybrid?

I am trying to save money. I have to pay a little more for a fusion hybrid (around $28k) than the regular fusion (around $23k), but will the gas savings in the long run outweigh the original price difference? Are hybrids more expensive to maintain? Which one is more reliable? I dont trust the dealer with these questions. Thanks.


Favorite Answer

If you purchasing a hybrid to help the environment ... go for it.

If you are purchasing a hybrid to save on gas ... not so much. It will probably take you 10+ years before the extra savings on fuel will make up for the extra cost of a hybrid.

Also keep in mind that hybrids can cost more to insure. Check it out before hand.


If you think you're going to save enough money on gas to pay for the extra cost of a hybrid, forget it. That's NOT why you buy a hybrid. You buy because of your concern about the environment.