What do you think about the Colorado Counties succeeding from Colorado to form a new state?

I support it! I don't blame those folks wanting to get representation instead of that Liberal garbage they are stuck with now.

Jeff D2013-06-09T08:33:34Z

Favorite Answer

Unfortunately, these succession movements never go anywhere.


Yes. I lived in the Eastern plains of Colorado for more than twenty years. The difference of the lifestyles of the major cities of Colorado and the fine folks of the plains and rural areas are enormous. Most of the population of Denver, Boulder, and Colorado Springs are transplants from far left cultures such as California and Oregon. However, these Northern counties that have a desire to succeed to a separate state, may propose to conjoin with the state of Wyoming. Wyoming has the essential ideals and beliefs as the Colorado counties wishing to succeed. This, I believe, if it could happen would benefit both the State of Wyoming and the subject counties.


I think it's not going to happen.

Why should I allow the people of Colorado to gain two more senators and two more electoral votes, merely because like petulant children they want them? What next,I secede and my entire household serves in Congress, with the same power as Alaska?

Tell you what. Let them secede and become US territory, just like Puerto Rico or Samoa.

Then if after a lengthy trial period, they still want to be a state, we'll ask Congress is they favor such a move.


To secede and form a new State, requires approval from both the Colorado Legislature and the US Congress. They can't do it on their own. I don't see that happening.


I hope they succeed (in secession). All 50 states previously had petitions to secede

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