What's W/All These Female Teachers Having Sex w/underage students?

I just don't get it...
Despite some of their exceptional physical endowments (not everyone though), but then what they hell is up with their heads anyway? What's going on in the world?


These ladies are crazy, one of them said this kid is a twenty-five year old man trapped in a thirteen year old body. My god.

Alien from Pluto2013-06-10T18:31:15Z

Favorite Answer

Cause it's taboo. However it's more accepted for older female teachers to sleep with teenage boys than older male teachers to sleep with teenage girls. Apparently people look at the female teacher as the "victim" and the teenage boy as "lucky". Double standards are sick.

Female pedophiles and perverts do exist.


I am actually really irritated by this, because not only is there more of this coming forward, there are "so many" of them that are not being prosecuted for having sex with underage boys in the same ways male teachers had sex with underage girls and got punished for it, and in many of the cases the female teacher is being seen as the "victim" or not having any "real" punishment, so it is giving out the message that it is acceptable, it is ok. If you are a woman taking advantage of an underage boy, "you" are the victim, the boy is not a victim.

This truly is sickening, but where are the feminists in these situations? Not a peep.


I think it probably happens more often the other way around, but it's not quite as much of a media sensation. When an attractive female teacher has sex with a student the first thing that most guys think (and I include myself in this) is "I wish that would have happened to me" instead of realizing that they would be ready to do violence if the gender roles were reversed. That is why you hear about it so much, as to why the teachers are doing it who knows. Perhaps it makes them feel young, perhaps they like to be in control, perhaps it is a genetic thing. Who knows.


Because women are given a pass for sex crimes. Either its not prosecuted at all or she gets a very light sentence.

They dont put women in prison for this the way they will do for men.