How much rain in a gutter?

Does anyone know how much rain goes trough a gutter per minute with about an inch of rain?

Orange Bear2013-06-11T14:00:14Z

Favorite Answer

It varies with the intensity of the rainstorm and the drainage area of the gutter. I live in the desert, and last time we had a half inch of rain in 30 minutes everything flooded on my street. On on another occasion, it rained all day (winter storms are longer and gentler where I am) and dropped and inch of rain but had only slight flooding.

Sorry I cant given more examples, it has only rained very heavily like 5 or 6 times in the past 4 years where I am here in the Mojave Desert.


Rain gutters supply a number of profits. They are helping reduce soil and plant damage the drop line and prevent leaks in basements. They prevent water from organization downward the area of the home or splash against the house, causing injure to the walls and organization. They are also preventing damp soil after that to the house. Which could be trying and influence plant fitness.