When did your clothes get tight fitting in pregnancy?

I am estimated to be 10 weeks pregnant as of today (I've not had a prenatal visit yet, but I will soon, so this is only based on my last period) and all the websites I have looked at said that my pants should be feeling tight now and my bra should be tight/small. However, none of this has happened. My pants from pre-pregnancy still fit exactly the same, even the ones that were too big are still too big, and my bra fits me exactly the same as before. Should I be worried?

This is my first child. I am 22 years old and have a small build. Much of my family believes I will only get big in my belly and I probably won't even begin to show until I'm about 5 or 6 months pregnant.


Favorite Answer

I could still fit my pants fine until I reached 20 weeks, and now I'm 24 weeks all I wear is maternity jeans because they are comfortable. You don't have to be small to show late, nor do you have to be big. It just depends on how you eat really, my diet didn't change when I got pregnant so the weight I have put on is ONLY baby weight and it took me 6 months to show.