When did your clothes get tight?

I am estimated to be 10 weeks pregnant as of today (I've not had a prenatal visit yet, but I will soon, so this is only based on my last period) and all the websites I have looked at said that my pants should be feeling tight now and my bra should be tight/small. However, none of this has happened. My pants from pre-pregnancy still fit exactly the same, even the ones that were too big are still too big, and my bra fits me exactly the same as before. Should I be worried?

This is my first child. I am 22 years old and have a small build. Much of my family believes I will only get big in my belly and I probably won't even begin to show until I'm about 5 or 6 months pregnant.


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I always wonder about them books lol. I'm almost 20 weeks with my third baby and my cloths are just getting tight. My boobs are a Lil bigger, but since this is my third pregnancy I'm already leading milk. I usually start showing noticeably around 7 months. those books also say I should have gained 10-15 lbs so far but gained 2. Good luck with everything I hope you have a healthy and easy pregnancy!

Suzy Q2013-06-14T13:20:57Z

By 10 weeks my breasts were actually BACK to their original size, having been big before that, and my jeans didn't get tight until around 12 weeks. And I started showing VERY early for a first pregnancy, by 14 weeks I already looked at least 5 months gone. I just popped all in one go, without even gaining any weight until after 20 weeks.

Real pregnancies rarely go by the book. Or website.


I have seen a lot of people that go through their whole pregnancy with out even showing. If you want an example of this just look at Kate Middleton's pictures from that event yesterday where she doesn't even show at 8 month's. Don't worry about it. I was big pregnant but my yoga pants and maxi dress from pre pregnancy fit the entire time. Enjoy your body. If anyone says anything negative about it it is because they are jealous cause they looked like cows or their wives did while pregnant. Your doctor will let you know if you are on track with weight gain. Don't pay any attention to the haters.


No u shouldn't be worried, because every woman is different & has a different pregnancy. I only started showing properly at 6 months, & only @ 5 months did my clothing get too small my bra's went up by 2 cup sizes but that was only at 5 months too.
My friend is 13 weeks & she still fits into all her clothes :)
Just relax & enjoy your pregnancy :)
Congrats :)


My clothes didn't start to get tight until I was 20 weeks pregnant and I started wearing maternity pants last week. Everyone grows differently and don't feel that you HAVE to be a certain size at a certain point, it's all dependant on your baby and how you carry.

I'm supposed to have put on around 10-14 pounds according to 'the books' and I've put on 4 but my baby is healthy.

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