Superman Man of Steel?

I just saw the movie Man of Steel. This movie had the right storyline, spectacular actions and special effects. A five star definitely for me. I missed the part of when General Zod was explaining how he escape the phantom zone. For those of you who saw the movie already, can you tell me how he escaped. I remember he and his team was frozen in ice before the explosion of Krypton. How did he escape ? Also I remember that the government found a spaceship and frozen bodies underneath the glacier. Who were those bodies ?


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When Krypton blew up, it disabled whatever systems placed Zod in prison. Hence, they were free when Krypton no longer existed.


Phantom Zone Superman


Superman Phantom Zone



Ok, When Krypton was destroyed, the Phantom Zone gate was also destroyed and released Zod and his crew. As for the ship in the ice, that was the scout ship sent to earth thousands of years before. The crew were Kryptonian scouts and the ship crashed on the planet. Who knows what happened to the crew but ships just don't fall out of the sky unless something happened to cause it - this is not explained however.


The sleeper capsule was released when a chunk of Krypton hit the Phantom Zone projector, apparently freeing the prison ship.

Those were Kryptonian colonists from millenia past whose expedition never established itself on Earth