Thoughts on Kim Kardashian giving birth?


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i feel bad for her kid; they're gonna use it to get more money ugh
and also, if she dressed and ate like the doctors told her to, she would've delivered when she was supposed to and not like a month earlier
it just disgusts me that she purposely ate junk food while she was pregnant because she was getting paid to do so even though it was obviously bad for her baby


unusual grant What does such an grant say about modern-day society? that's worse than President George W. Bush being presented the canopy of Playgirl. What does this say about the guy making the grant? strange !


Got her own Honey Boo Boo now

John Bendero2013-06-15T15:32:48Z

I wish her and Kanye the best and I can't wait until she loses all that baby weight and shows off that sexy body of hers.


I'd kill myself if it meant I could reincarnate as her baby.

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