Please actually answer my question?

I would like to learn how to make a slide show video to go with a song on YouTube. I asked before, but all I got was sarcasm. Will someone please explain how to do this?

You Stalker2013-06-15T21:12:14Z

Favorite Answer

This is for making one online

This is for making one from Windows Movie Maker

There are better programs but cost from $100-1000+.


Open up iMovie or Windows Movie Maker and import the images you want to use in the slide show. (I don't typically use iMovie, so I don't know how to import the music. Probably from iTunes.) On Windows Movie Maker, you either have to get the audio from recording the song from iTunes and dragging it down to the bottom bar (for audio). Drag the pictures you imported into the video bar (and you can adjust how long each picture displays for). Then to upload the video from Movie Maker to YouTube, you have to change the file type, so to do this you can use an online converter or you can just click the "Finish Movie" tab which is somewhere in the menu of options (not sure where, sorry). Change it to an .AVI file, then go to YouTube and upload it to the account you want it uploaded to. Uploading can take a very long time. If you are using iMovie, I'm assuming that you can upload it directly to YouTube from there somehow.


Never done it myself.
But download, download, download.
Might even give it a go myself.